Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Programme

Posted by: stephaniew - Posted on:

From September a new vaccination programme for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is launching. RSV is an infectious disease affecting the airways and lungs, particularly serious for young children and the elderly, often leading to hospitalization. It has similar symptoms to a cold and the flu, but there is usually a spike in infections in October/November time.

Eligibility for the vaccination:

  • Individuals aged 75-79
  • Individuals turning 75 between September and August 2025 – invitations will be sent near to the patient’s birthday.
  • Pregnant women at 28 weeks (for each pregnancy)

It is recommended to get the RSV vaccine in September, before the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations start in October. Flu and Covid vaccinations cannot be given at the same time as the RSV vaccination. Our joint Flu and Covid clinics start in October and weekend clinics will be available. We will be contacting all eligible patients for this in the next few weeks.

For further information on RSV and the vaccination programme:

Paper copies for vaccination guide available at the surgery.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – NHS (

Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults – GOV.UK (

A guide to RSV vaccination for pregnant women – GOV.UK (