Flu Vaccination Programme 2024

Posted by: stephaniew - Posted on:

We have begun inviting our eligible patients for the annual flu vaccination. Below is an overview of the different groups and the timeline for appointments:

  • Children aged 2-3 years and those under 2 who are at risk have been invited to clinics starting in September. Children aged 4-17 will receive their vaccinations at school. The children’s flu vaccine is usually administered as a quick and painless nasal spray in each nostril.
  • Pregnant women are eligible for the flu vaccine from September, and we are currently inviting our pregnant patients to book their appointments. The vaccine is safe and recommended at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Housebound patients will be contacted by our team this month, with home visits arranged for October.
  • General flu clinics will begin in October, following national guidance. Invitations will be staggered over the next few weeks to help manage telephone demand and call waiting times. The first clinic is on Thursday 3rd October.
  • Patients aged 65 and over are now being invited to book their appointments.
  • Booking your appointment: We kindly request that patients call after 3 pm to book their flu vaccination. Flu appointments will also be made available online regularly. Patients can book these via the NHS app or Patient Access.
  • Covid Boosters:  It is likely that you will also be offered the Covid booster at the same time as the flu vaccination- we are waiting for confirmation of this. When we have confirmation we will update this news page. Patients who are eligible for the flu vaccination are also eligible for the Covid vaccination, providing it has been over 3 months since their last booster.

Thank you for your patience as we work to ensure all our eligible patients receive their flu vaccinations.