Annual health checks for people with a diagnosed problem
If you have one of the following conditions then you will be invited for an annual health check.
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Kidney disease
- Heart disease
- Asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Learning disabilities
- Dementia
- Severe mental health problems
We invite all people for their annual health check in the same month as their birthday. You may need a blood test before the appointment, in which case the invite will say this. Some conditions are managed bi-annually – so you may be asked to come in twice a year.
Appointment codes
You will receive a letter from the practice when your long term condition review is due.
The letter will contain a booking code. Please find below a chart which shows you what that booking code will entail.
Booking code | Appointments required | Applicable conditions |
100 | Double appointment with GP | Epilepsy, Dementia, LD |
105 | Blood tests, GP appointment | Learning Disabilities |
110 | Blood tests only | Hypothyroid or Coeliac |
120 | Blood test, practice nurse review | Asthma and Diabetes |
130 | Blood test, practice nurse review | Diabetes |
135 | Health care assistant appointment | Pre-diabetes only |
137 | Practice nurse review | Pre-diabetes/CVD |
140 | Blood tests, GP appointment | Osteoporosis, CVD Risk, Mental Health |
150 | Blood tests + spirometry, Practice nurse review | COPD |
160 | Blood tests + spirometry, Practice nurse review | COPD, CVD, Diabetes, Mental Health |
170 | Blood test, practice nurse review | Diabetes and Mental Health |
180 | Practice nurse review | CVD and RA |
185 | Practice nurse review | Hypertension |
190 | Practice nurse review | Asthma (Age 18 and Over) |
195 | Practice nurse review | Asthma (Under 18s) |
200 | Practice nurse review | Asthma and CVD/RA/Hypertension (Age 18 and Over) |
205 | Practice nurse review | Asthma and CVD/Ra/Hypertension (Under 18s) |
210 | Blood test + Blood pressure | CKD Only |
215 | Blood pressure only | Hypertension On-going Review |
220 | Blood test, practice nurse review | Diabetes |
230 | Practice nurse review | Asthma (Under 18s) |