
What does a Podiatrist do?

Podiatrists will diagnose, treat, prevent and rehabilitate complications of the feet, ankles and lower limbs. The aim is to relieve pain, treat infection and keep people of all ages mobile and active.

An appointment with the Podiatrist may be most appropriate if you have any of the following issues:

  • Pain in your foot/feet
  • Lack of senstantion in your foot/feet
  • Areas of swelling in foot
  • New marks/lesions on foot
  • Breaks in the skin on your foot that are not healing

Please note:

This is for patients aged 18 and over.

If you are a diabetic patient you will not be able to use this service, but if you have any of the above issues, please contact us so you can be seen by the most appropriate clinician/team.

Appointment Information


Telephone Assessments are available Monday – Friday. Ashleigh, our podiatrist will assess your needs, then arrange the most appropriate follow up.

Face to face appointments are available to book into on a Friday afternoon at Craven Road Surgery with Ashleigh.

How to book an appointment

You can book an appointment by calling us, sending an online request or popping into the surgery.

Location Information

Craven Road Surgery (LS6 2RX)

Public Transport: You can get the number 6, 28, 27 or 8 Buses (going to Leeds City Centre), 1 or 1B buses(going to Beeston via city centre) to Hyde Park Corner, there is then a 13 minute walk. Buses 39 or 38 go via Meanwood Road.

There is a cycle route between Headingley and Woodhouse.

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