Get a Sick or Fit Note

You only need a Fit (sick) note if:

  • You’ve been off work for more than 7 days in a row, *and*
  • Your employer has said you must send them one

See here for details:

If you’ve been off work for 7 days or less you should self certify.

You can request a sick or fit note online

The easiest way to start this process is to complete an online request. You can do this for either a first fit note or if you wish to extend an existing fit note. You should complete an online form. Choose Admin query and then “Fit (sick) note” the form will the guide you to answer the questions we need.

What happens next?

  • Your Doctor will then review your answers
  • At this point you will either be sent your sick note electronically once the doctor has completed the administration for this, or the Doctor may ask you to arrange an appointment to discuss the request further.

Please note we cannot issue sick notes in advance, or for longer than three months.

What if I can’t complete an online form?

You should call reception on 0113 2744777. The receptionist may send you a text with a questionnaire to fill out, if you are unable to fill the form in, please give the following information to the receptionist:

  • Whether you have previously had a note about this
  • A briefly description of your illness or medical problem
  • When should the sick note start? (It is not possible to use a future date for a sick note)
  • When should the sick note end? (Provide an estimated date, but note that it might be amended by a clinician.)
  • Can your employer do anything to help you return to work sooner? (optional) e.g. Work from home, reduced hours or different tasks.